A highly sensitive metal detection system, along with intelligent rejection mechanisms enables you to deliver contaminant-free product to your end customer. Buzzer alarms are triggered if any metal particle deposits are detected and we have a range of rejection systems available.
Our in-Line Metal Detectors are available with a choice of conveyor belt types. Smooth Polyurethane (PU) or Modular (MOD) Conveyor Belts. Each have unique characteristics making them ideal for different applications. Not sure which you need? Head over to our blog page for a quick explanation of important differences. Read Conveyor Belt Blog
If you're short on space or would like to have your Checkweighing and Metal Detection handled by one unit, check out the compact COMBI unit.
Metal Detection Test Pieces are an ideal way to check your Metal Detector is working as expected. We have a range of Test Wands designed to detect various types and sizes of metal contaminants.